Departing Userland

To ask for a map is to say, ‘Tell me a story.’

– Peter Turchi, “Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer”1

“Userland” is an alternative term to “user space,” which itself is a term best defined in terms of what it is not: “kernel space.”

Operating system concepts are impossible to avoid on our journey into the world of information infrastructure, so the separation between “Kernel Space” and “UserSpace” will be our first.

I like to imagine that Userland is a physical location and that we can point to it on a map. It harkens toward a mental image of



Peter Turchi. “Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer.” Trinity University Press, 2004, San Antonio, Texas 78212. ISBN-13: 978-1-59534-041-2, p. 11.