About Me

I’m currently senior year in college, aiming for a double major in Audio Engineering and Informatics at Indiana University. Audio Engineering has provided me with hands-on experience in studio recording, live sound, and post production. My classes in Informatics have taught me how to program with Python, analyze large datasets with SQL and web design with HTML/CSS. I aspire to deepen my knowledge and experience in sound design and post production.

My coursework has given me a solid foundation of computer and audio knowledge. I have dedicated over 400+ hours in live sound for the Jacobs School of Music and even served as head engineer of the Barber Of Seville opera and the Nutcracker. These experiences have taught me how to work in a fast paced environment and adapt quickly to difficult situations. My informatics coursework has allowed me to work on countless group projects involving data analysis, website creation, and programming by collaborating through GitHub. I’ve learned how to communicate effectively with team members through these experiences.


Email: spaluszn@iu.edu
