Prateek Sharma

Assistant Professor, Intelligent Systems Engineering

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About Me

I received my Ph.D from UMass Amherst in Summer 2018. At UMass, I was advised by Prashant Shenoy. My thesis looks at running applications with high performance and availability at extremely low cost in cloud environments.

I am broadly interested in Operating Systems, Cloud Computing, and Virtualization. My current research focuses on transiency in public clouds. Some of my recent work is centered around using Amazon EC2 Spot instances effectively to run different types of applications.

I graduated from BITS-Pilani in 2009 and completed my masters degree in Computer Science from IIT-Bombay in 2012, where I was advised by Purushottam Kulkarni and worked on issues related to memory deduplication and page cache partitioning for virtual machines (Thesis).


I am looking for motivated students interested in research in large-scale distributed systems, cloud computing, and distributed machine learning.

Please email me or drop-by my office!

Current PhD Students

  • Alex Fuerst
  • Abdul Rehman

Previously Advised

  • Sahil Tyagi


Research Interests

I like exploring the behavior of complex computing systems software.

In particular: operating systems, virtualization, cloud platforms, large distributed systems for data processing and machine learning, networks, and anything else that catches my fancy.


Spring: Distributed Systems

Fall: Cloud Computing

Fall 2018: Engineering Operating Systems



LLMCarbon: Modeling the end-to-end Carbon Footprint of Large Language Models
Ahmad Faiz, Sotaro Kaneda, Ruhan Wang, Rita Osi, Prateek Sharma, Fan Chen, Lei Jiang
ICLR 2024 paper


Ilúvatar: A Fast Control Plane for Serverless Computing
Alexander Fuerst, Abdul Rehman, Prateek Sharma
HPDC 2023 paper

Scavenger: A Cloud Service For Optimizing Cost and Performance of ML Training
Sahil Tyagi and Prateek Sharma
CCGrid 2023 paper


Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Serverless Computing
Prateek Sharma
1st Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation paper

Locality-aware Load-Balancing For Serverless Clusters
Alexander Fuerst and Prateek Sharma
HPDC 2022 paper

SciSpot: Scientific Computing On Temporally Constrained Cloud Preemptible VMs
JCS Kadupitiya, Vikram Jadhao, Prateek Sharma
IEEE TPDS 2022 paper

Memory-Harvesting VMs in Cloud Platforms
Alexander Fuerst , Stanko Novaković , Íñigo Goiri , Gohar Irfan Chaudhry , Prateek Sharma , Kapil Arya , Kevin Broas, Eugene Bak, Mehmet Iyigun, Ricardo Bianchini
ASPLOS 2022 paper


Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Platforms
Vikram Jadhao and Prateek Sharma
2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 751-753 (Invited Paper) paper

FaasCache: Keeping Serverless Computing Alive With Greedy-Dual Caching
Alex Fuerst, Prateek Sharma
ASPLOS 2021 paper


Taming Resource Heterogeneity In Distributed ML Training With Dynamic Batching
Sahil Tyagi, Prateek Sharma
1st IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2020) paper

Cloud-scale VM Deflation for Running Interactive Applications On Transient Servers
Alex Fuerst, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prashant Shenoy, Prateek Sharma
HPDC 2020 paper

Modeling The Temporally Constrained Preemptions of Transient Cloud VMs
JCS Kadupitiya, Vikram Jadhao, Prateek Sharma
HPDC 2020 paper


The Price is (Not) Right: Reflections on Pricing for Transient Cloud Servers
D Irwin, P Shenoy, P Ambati, P Sharma, S Shastri, A Ali-Eldin
ICCCN 2019 paper

SpotWeb: Running Latency-sensitive Distributed Web Services on Transient Cloud Servers
Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Jonathan Westin, Bin Wang, Prateek Sharma, Prashant Shenoy
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Phoenix, AZ, June 2019 paper

Resource Deflation: A New Approach For Transient Resource Reclamation
Prateek Sharma, Ahmed Ali-Edlin, and Prashant Shenoy
European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Dresden, Germany, March 2019 paper

Performance Evaluation of Multi-Path TCP For Data Center and Cloud Workloads
Lucas Chaufournier, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Prateek Sharma, Don Towsley and Prashant Shenoy
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2019), Mumbai, India, April 7-11, 2019 paper

UMass (2013–2018)

Fast Transparent Virtual Machine Migration in Distributed Edge Clouds
Lucas Chaufournier, Prateek Sharma, Franck Le, Erich Nahum, Prashant Shenoy and Don Towsley
ACM Symposium on Edge Computing 2017 paper

The Financialization of Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges
David Irwin, Prateek Sharma, Supreeth Shastri and Prashant Shenoy
International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) paper

Portfolio-driven Resource Management for Transient Cloud Servers
Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy

Design and Operational Analysis of a Green Data Center
Prateek Sharma, Patrick Pegus II, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, John Goodhue, James Culbert
IEEE Internet Computing. Special Issue: Energy-Efficient Data Centers (July-Aug 2017) paper

Keep It Simple: Bidding For Servers In Today’s Cloud Platforms
Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
IEEE Internet Computing. Invited Paper. (volume 21, issue 3) of May-June 2017 paper

Managing Risk in a Derivative IaaS Cloud
Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
IEEE Transactions of Parallel & Distributed Systems, volume 29, no. 8, Pages 1750–1765, 1 Aug 2018 paper

Containers and Virtual Machines at Scale: A Comparative Study
Prateek Sharma, Lucas Chaufournier, Prashant Shenoy, Y.C. Tay
ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference, Trento, Italy, 2016 paper

How Not to Bid the Cloud
Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
Usenix Hot Topics In Cloud Computing (HotCloud), Denver, 2016 paper

Flint: Batch-Interactive Data-Intensive Processing on Transient Servers
Prateek Sharma, Tian Guo, Xin He, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), London, England, 2016 paper

Per-VM Page Cache Partitioning for Cloud Computing Platforms
Prateek Sharma, Purushottam Kulkarni, Prashant Shenoy
International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, 2016 paper

SpotOn: A Batch Computing Service for the Spot Market
Supreeth Subramanya, Tian Guo, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2015 paper

SpotCheck: Designing a Derivative IaaS Cloud on the Spot Market
Prateek Sharma, Stephen Lee, Tian Guo, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy
European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Bordeaux, France, 2015 paper

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Exploiting Transient Servers in Datacenters
Rahul Singh, Prateek Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, K.K. Ramakrishnan
IEEE Internet Computing, 2014, Issue No.4 paper

IIT Bombay

Singleton: System-wide Page Deduplication in Virtual Environments
Prateek Sharma, Purushottam Kulkarni
ACM Symposium on High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Delft, Netherlands, 2012 paper

Author: Prateek Sharma

Created: 2024-03-17 Sun 20:55
