Xinyao Ma
Email: maxiny [at]

I am a Ph.D. student under Prof. Jean L. Camp working on eye-tracking application in security area at Indiana University Bloomington, US.
I also worked with Prof. Xiaofeng Wang (Indiana University Bloomington, US) on eye-tracking authentication project; Prof. Sameer Patil (Univeristy of Utah, US) on the CAPTCHA and Phishing Communication project. Before joining IUB, I worked as research assistant with Prof. Yijun Wang (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing)on the brain-computer interaction and virtual reality project. And I got my bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi.

Photo made by AI oil painting.


Combining Brain-Computer Interface and Eye Tracking for High-Speed Text Entry in Virtual Reality
Xinyao Ma, Zhaolin Yao, Yijun Wang, Weihua Pei, Hongda Chen
23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2018
--> Paper


Professional Experience and Internship

  • Research Intern @ Adobe Research
    Jan. 2020 - Aug. 2020
    Mentor: Dr. Vlad Morariu

Selected Academic Service (Program Committee)

  • Accessibility Co-Chair, CHI2023

  • Committee Member, ACM SIGGRAPH Research Development Committee --- DEI and Accessibility

  • Co-Organizer - Seminar of HCI for Chinese HCI Researchers around the World

  • Associate Chair (AC) for CHI2022 Late Breaking Works

  • Associate Chair (AC) for CHI2021 Late Breaking Works

  • Associate Chair (AC) for CHI2020 Late Breaking Works