vector image of Protestor activist style
vector image of Protestor activist style
Your activism style could be:
The Protestor
As a Protestor, you make an impact by publicly advocating for reproductive rights. Protestors visibly share their opinions on reproductive rights like abortion access and ensure their voices are heard.
By attending protests and marches to support abortion access, you voice the concerns and opinions of many other activists and help work towards better access to abortion for all.
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Get Involved
Read two different ways to get involved as an activist Protestor!
Attend protests and marches
As a protestor, your comfort with public support makes you a great fit for protests and marches. Attending these events can be a great way for you to support reproductive rights!
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How do I find protests/marches to attend?
Contacting local organizations or searching online, e.g., with Google, can be good ways to identify upcoming protests and marches. Be sure to research the organizers and their security measures before attending to protect yourself.
Are there any protests/marches in Bloomington?
Most protests and marches usually happen in Indianapolis, not Bloomington. But it is still possible for a protest or march to occur in Bloomington! Keep an eye on local Bloomington social media groups, e.g., r/Bloomington subreddit, more any discussion of protests.
What do I do at protests/marches?
There are many different ways to protests. Some protestors prefer to yell slogans; others wave signs; and others just stand in solidarity. What precisely you do at protests and marches will depend on what you feel comfortable doing—protest in whatever way works for you!
Share your beliefs on abortion access
As a protestor, you are more comfortable taking a public stance on controversial stance than others. By sharing your beliefs, you raise awareness and encourage others less willing to share to nonetheless get involved.
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What beliefs should I share?
Any strongly held convictions on abortion access, reproductive rights, or other pro-choice issues would be helpful to share. If something feels relevant for others to know about post-Roe v. Wade, definitely share that!
How should I share my beliefs, and with whom?
You can share your beliefs however and with whomever you would like. Whether you’re sharing on Instagram or at family dinner, with lifelong friends or work acquaintances, sharing your beliefs will be a powerful statement. Share where you feel most comfortable doing so.
Community Protestors
Click the activists on the map to read anonymized stories from Protestors!
vector art map - white background, purple trees, grey buildings
vector image of Protestor activist style I attended a women's rights march to protest bodily autonomy being restricted.
vector image of Protestor activist style I help interview potential protest supporters to make sure they are trustworthy.
vector image of Protestor activist style I actively prevent pro-life supporters from harassing people going to Planned Parenthood.