Meet the team
We're student researchers and designers from the Proactive Health Informatics lab at Indiana University. We're passionate about using technology to empower people's management and understanding of their health.
Our Lab
Our members
headshot style photo of Aswati Panicker
Aswati Panicker
Student, Ph.D. Informatics
Indiana University | May 2025
headshot style photo of Colin LeFevre
Colin LeFevre
Student, B.S. Informatics
Indiana University | May 2024
headshot style photo of Forum Modi
Forum Modi
Student, Ph.D. Informatics
Indiana University | May 2027
headshot style photo of Nikhil Dinesh
Nikhil Dinesh
Student, M.S. Human Computer Interaction & Design
Indiana University | May 2023
headshot style photo of Sitha Vallabhaneni
Sitha Vallabhaneni
Student, M.S. Human Computer Interaction & Design
Indiana University | May 2023