vector image of Philanthropist activist style
vector image of Philanthropist activist style
Your activism style could be:
The Philanthropist
As a Philanthropist, you make an impact by providing resources. Philanthropists support reproductive rights by increasing the resources of abortion funds and other pro-choice organizations.
By donating money and/or other resources to activist organizations, clinics, and abortion funds, you support access to abortion and activism for reproductive rights.
All Styles
Get Involved
Read two different ways to get involved as an activist Philanthropist!
Donate to abortion clinics and pro-choice organizations
Local abortion clinics and pro-choice organizations need both money and resources to continue operating. As a philanthropist, you can donate the needed resources and empower the clinic to continue helping people in need.
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How do I find clinics and organizations to support?
Using online resources like or can help you verified clinics to donate to. Organizations can be more difficult to find. You can use search engines, e.g., Google, to find organizations and their related events. Based on the information available, you'll have to make a decision on whether you can trust them with your resources.
What kind of resources should I donate?
What resources are needed will depend on the specific clinic and its needs. Generally, monetary donations are always welcomes; if there are other resources you would like to donate, you can contact the clinic or organization and inquire if they would accept that donation.
Where in Bloomington can I donate?
If you're wanting to donate to Bloomington organization specifically, two options are: Planned Parenthood, a pro-choice abortion clinic, or All-Options, a pro-choice organization supporting abortion seekers.
Provide local activists with resources
Local activists who are passionate about supporting abortion access need resources to do so. Providing them those resources is another way you, as a philanthropist, can contribute to reproductive rights activism.
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How do I find activists to support?
Finding likeminded, trustworthy activists to support can be difficult, and there is no one way to do so. Broadly, talk to local friends and/or acquaintances of yours to get a better idea of who else is passionate about supporting abortion access, and how you could possibly support them.
What kind of resources do activists need?
The type of resources needed will depend on the activist. Protestors might need funds to travel to a march, whereas Organizers might need to a venue. Once you have found activists to support, work with them to understand how you can best support their unique needs.
Community Philanthropists
Click the activists on the map to read anonymized stories from Philanthropists!
vector art map - white background, purple trees, grey buildings
vector image of Philanthropist activist style I donated to a local abortion fund to support women in my community.
vector image of Philanthropist activist style I offered my local business as a venue for a pro-choice fundraiser.