vector image of Organizer activist style
vector image of Organizer activist style
Your activism style could be:
The Organizer
As an Organizer, you make an impact by working behind the scenes. Organizers ensure activist events related to reproductive rights, such as abortion access, are successful and run smoothly.
By starting your own events for abortion access or helping existing organizers and events, you bring together activists and empower them to fight for access to abortion.
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Get Involved
Read two different ways to get involved as an activist Organizer!
Volunteer to help organize existing events
Existing events are an important part of fighting for reproductive rights. As an organizer, you have valuable management skills that can help these events be successful.
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How can I find existing events?
Where to find events will depend on the location and organization. Broadly, online search engines, e.g., Google, can help you find you events in an area you are familiar with. Alternatively, if you're familiar with the area, you could look at in-person billboards and contact organizations you are aware of.
Are there any events to help with in Bloomington?
Many of the larger scale protests occur in Indianapolis, not Bloomington. But there are many small events, such as fundraisers or letter writing, that happen in Bloomington successfully. There isn't one overarching organizer for all these events, so you'll need to look event by event.
How exactly can I help organize these events?
There are many valuable skills you could bring to managing an event. You could create fliers to advertise the event, secure a venue for the event, find potential donors to fund the event, etc.
Organize new pro-choice events to support abortion access
As an organizer, you can also create new events that support access to abortion. From fundraisers to protests, there are a wide variety of ways you can create a supportive event.
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What kind of event should I create?
The type of event you create usually corresponds to the impact you want to have. Trying to donate money to an abortion clinic? Hold a fundraiser! Want to raise awareness about abortion access? Have a protest or a march! Worried about upcoming legislative? Create a letter writing event targeting local legislators.
How will I get the resources in Bloomington to fund the event?
Getting resources to fund an event is difficult, and there is no easy answer. But, many Bloomington residents are passionate about supporting abortion access. So, a good starting point is connecting with likeminded advocates, pooling your resources, and decided what type of event those resources would allow you to host.
Where in Bloomington can I host the event?
You could host an event in a public area, or rent a venue. Another option specifically for Bloomington is contacting local business owners. Several Bloomington businesses have previously hosted pro-choice events like fundraisers. Try to target businesses that explicitly self-describe as women owned, pro-choice, and/or LGBTQIA+ affirming.
Community Organizers
Click the activists on the map to read anonymized stories from Organizers!
vector art map - white background, purple trees, grey buildings
vector image of Organizer activist style I made flyers to advertise a local bakery's fundraiser sale.
vector image of Organizer activist style I used my marketing experience to help a local advocacy organization recruit volunteers.