vector image of Empath activist style
vector image of Empath activist style
Your activism style could be:
The Empath
As an Empath, you make an impact through your compassion. Empaths help those seeking abortions, whether by lending a sympathetic ear or offering a ride to a local clinic.
By listening to and helping people one-one-one, you know powerful stories about people’s abortion experiences and, with permission, can share these stories to get others involved.
All Styles
Get Involved
Read two different ways to get involved as an activist Empath!
Join online support communities for abortion seekers
Abortion seekers need support from empathetic listeners, and often search for that support online. As an empath, you can join online support communities and provide the support they need during this difficult time.
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How can I find online support communities to join?
Online support communities exist across many different social media platforms. Two particularly common platforms are Facebook and Reddit. You could either search for Facebook and Reddit communities you'd like to join and provide support through, or look for communities on a different social media that you prefer.
What are some online support communities for Bloomington specifically?
There aren't many public-facing support communities for abortion seekers in Bloomington specifically. Some broader groups, such as the r/Bloomington subreddit, are vocally pro-choice. You could either join broader groups like these or look for support communities not focused on Bloomington specifically.
What will I do as a community member?
As a member of an online support community for abortion seeker, your primary task is to be available. Members looking for an empathetic ear don't post at regularly scheduled intervals—they post when they most need support. So, set aside some time to be available and read through recent community posts.
Volunteer at local abortion clinics
As an empath, you excel at listening to others' stories and validating their experiences. Volunteering at local clinics can give you an opportunity to help people one-on-one and support vulnerable community members.
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How can I find abortion clinics to volunteer at?
You can look for potential abortion clinics to volunteer at by using websites such as or You could also use search engines, e.g., Google, to look for clinics in specific towns or other pro-choice organizations looking for volunteers. Be sure to distinguish between pro-choice¬ and pro-life clinics. Pro-life clinic, also known as women's health centers, often use similar language to their pro-choice counterparts but do not support access to abortion.
Where can I volunteer in Bloomington?
If you're wanting to volunteer in Bloomington, IN specifically, two options are: Planned Parenthood, a pro-choice abortion clinic, or All-Options, a pro-choice organization supporting abortion seekers
What will I do as a volunteer?
Volunteers' roles and responsibilities vary, based on an individual clinic's current needs. Some common volunteer activities are escorting patients, entering data, assisting with education programs. If you have a specific role in mind, you can always contact the clinic and ask!
Community Empaths
Click the activists on the map to read anonymized stories from Empaths!
vector art map - white background, purple trees, grey buildings
vector image of Empath activist style I offer to give women rides to abortion clinics in or out of state.
vector image of Empath activist style I listen to peoples' stories, so they have a space to share without being judged.
vector image of Empath activist style I support abortion journeys by aiding abortion seekers as a volunteer.