vector image of Educator activist style
vector image of Educator activist style
Your activism style could be:
The Educator
As an Educator, you make an impact through the power of your knowledge. Educators are ready at a moment's notice to share resources and information related to reproductive rights.
By spreading information about abortion access, either in person or virtually, you educate people about their ability to access abortion and raise awareness about reproductive rights.
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Get Involved
Read two different ways to get involved as an activist Educator!
Explain recent legal developments on abortion access
As of late 2022, the legal status of abortion varies by state and legislative changes. As an educator, you can explain recent developments and keep people informed.
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How can I keep track of legal developments to share with others?
It's important to have a list, either physical or mental, of trustworthy news outlets. Once you have this list, you can periodically check recent articles, particularly on the issue of abortion, to learn about developments. This will also help provide sources for anyone who asks.
Who should I explain legal developments to?
You can explain legal developments to anyone who you think could benefit from knowing the information and who you are comfortable discussing access to abortion with. Reproductive rights affect everyone, and so anyone could benefit from accurate information on abortion's legality in their location!
Post educational content online
As an educator, you are equipped to share accurate, pertinent information on abortion access. Sharing this information can help people stay informed on the topic and raise awareness about access to abortion.
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What content should I be posting online?
There's a lot of helpful information related to abortion: how to get access to a pregnancy test, where to go for an abortion, etc. So long as the information could potentially help seeking abortion seeker, sharing that information is a helpful and valid form of activism.
Where should I post the content online?
You could post the content on your social media of choice, or on a different platform that feels more relevant. Wherever you choose to post, it's also helpful to think about whether or not you'd like to remain anonymous beforehand.
Community Educators
Click the activists on the map to read anonymized stories from Educators!
vector art map - white background, purple trees, grey buildings
vector image of Educator activist style I created a social media page to share questions that concerned people can ask their local legislator.
vector image of Educator activist style I shared my beliefs on abortion access to my social media followers.
vector image of Educator activist style I educated the public as a speaker for a reproductive rights event.