Fortunato, S., Bergstrom, C. T., Borner, K., Evans, J. A., Helbing, D., Milojević, S., Petersen, A. M., Radicchi, F., Sinatra, R., Uzzi, B., Vespignani, A., Waltman, L., Wang, D., & Barabasi, A-L. (2018). Science of science. Science, 359(6379), eaao0185.
Iacopini, I., Milojević, S., & Latora, V. (2018). Network dynamics of innovation processes. Physical Review Letters, 120(4), 048301.
Milojević, S. Radicchi, F., & Bar-Ilan, J.(2017). Citation success index - An intuitive pair-wise journal comparison metric. Journal of Informetrics, 11(1), 223-231.. pre-print
Jensen, S., Liu, X., Yu, Y., & Milojević, S. (2016). Generation of topic evolution trees from heterogeneous bibliographic networks. Journal of Informetrics, 10(2), 606-621.
Leydesdorff, L., Bornmann, L., Jordan, C., & Milojević, S. (2016). Citations: Indicators of quality? The impact fallacy. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 1(1). doi:10.3389/frma.2016.00001. paper
Sugimoto, C.R., Sugimoto, T.J., Tsou, A., Milojević, & Larivier, V. (2016). Age stratification and cohort effects in scholarly communication: A study of social sciences. Scientometrics. doi:10.1007/s11192-016-2087-y
Hu, B., Dong, X., Zhang, C., Bowman, T.D., Ding, Y., Yan, E., Milojević, S., Ni, C., & Larivier, V. (2015). A lead-lag analysis of the topic evaluation patterns for preprints and publications. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(12), 2643-2656.
Larivier, V., Sugimoto, C.R., Macaluso., Milojević, S., Cronin, B., & Thelwall, M. (2014). arXiv e-prints and the journal record: An analysis of roles and relationships. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(6), 1157-1169. pre-print
Leydesdorff, L., Bornmann, L., Werner, M., & Milojević, S. (2014). Referenced Publication Years Spectroscopy applied to iMetrics: Scientometrics, Journal of Informetrics, and a relevant subset of JASIST. Journal of Informetrics, 8(1), 162-174. pre-print
Milojević, S. (2014). Principles of scientific research team formation and evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 111(11), 3984-3989. paper
Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R., Larivier, V., Thelwall, M., & Ding, Y. (2014). The role of handbooks in knowledge creation and diffusion: A case of science and technology studies. Journal of Informetrics, 8(3), 693-709. pre-print
Milojević, S. (2013). Accuracy of simple, initials-based methods for author name disambiguation. Journal of Informetrics, 7(4), 767-773. pre-print
Milojević, S. (2013). Different traditions in the study of disciplinarity in science - science and technology studies, library and information science and scientometrics. Information Research, 18(3), paper C34.paper
Milojević, S., Leydesdorff, L. (2013). Information metrics (iMetrics): A research specialty with a socio-cognitive identity? Scientometrics, 95(1), 141-157. Doi: 10.1007/s11192-012-0861-z. pre-print
Milojević, S., & Sabanovic, S. (2013). Conceptual foundations for representing robotics history in a non-linear digital archive. Library Hi Tech, 31(2), 341-354.
Sun, X., Kaur, J., Milojević, Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2013). Social dynamics of science. Scientific Reports, 3, 1069. paper
Zhang, G., Ding, Y., Milojević, S. (2013). Citation content analysis (CCA): A framework for syntactic and semantic analysis of citation content. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 64(7), 1490-1503. pre-print
Milojević, S. (2012). How are academic age, productivity and collaboration related to citing behavior of researchers?. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e49176. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049176. pre-print paper
Milojević, S. (2012). Multidisciplinary cognitive content of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 14(1): 1-28. Doi: 10.1007/s11051-011-0685-4. pre-print
Yan, E., Ding, Y., Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R. (2012). Topics in dynamic research communities: An exploratory study for the field of information retrieval. Journal of Informetrics. 6(1): 140-153.
Francisco, M., Milojević, S., Sabanović, S. (2011). Conference models to bridge micro and macro studies of science. JASSS - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 14(4) : 13. paper
Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R., Yan, E., Ding, Y. (2011). The cognitive structure of library and information science: Analysis of article title words. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 62(10) : 1933-1953.
Milojević, S. (2010). Power-law distributions in information science - Making the case for logarithmic binning. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 61(12) : 2417-2425.pre-print
Milojević, S. (2010). Modes of collaboration in modern science - Beyond power laws and preferential attachment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 61(7) : 1410-1423. pre-print
Ding, Y., Jacob, E., Fried, M., Toma, I., Yan, E., Foo, S., & Milojević, S. (2010). Upper Tag Ontology (UTO) for integrating social tagging data. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 61(3) : 505-521.
Wyatt, S., Milojević, S., Park, H.W., & Leydesdorff, L., (2016). The intellectual and practical contributions of Scientometrics to STS. In U. Felt, R., Fouche, C. Miller & L. Smith-Doerr. (Eds.) Handbook of science and technology studies, 4th ed. Boston, MA: MIT Press. pre-print
Leydesdorff, L., Milojević, S. (2015) Scientometrics. In J.D. Wright, M. Lynch, et al. (Eds.) The international encyclopedia of social and behavioral sciences, Section 8.5: Science and Technology Studies, Subsection 85030, 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier. pre-print
Milojević, S. (2014). Network analysis and indicators. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau,,& D. Wolfram (eds.) Measuring scholarly impact - methods and practice (pp. 57-82). Berlin: Springer.
Borner, K., Boyack, K.W., Milojević, S., Morris, S. (2012). An introduction to modeling science: Basic model types, key definitions, and a general framework for comparison of process models. In Scharnhorst, A., Borner, K., van den Besselaar, P. (eds.) Models of Science Dynamics: Encounters between Complexity Theory and Information Science. Springer. (p. 3-22).
Toma, I., Caverlee, J., Ding, Y., Jacob, E.K., Yan, E. and Milojević, S. (2011). Social networks and semantics. In Papadopoulou, P., Kanellis, P., Martakos, D. (eds.) Social Computing Theory and Practice: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Hershey : Information Science Research. (p. 155-196).
Milojević, S. (2010). Serbia: Libraries, archives and museums. In M. Bates and M.N. Maack (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Third Edition, 1:1, 4708-4721.
Milojević, S. (2007). Review: The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship by John Willinsky. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies. Vol. 3, Issue 1, Article 11.
Borner, K., & Milojević, S. (2016). Modeling science, technology, innovation. OECD Blue Sky Forum "Informing Science and Innovation Policies: Towards the Next Generation of Data and Indicators" (Paper Presentation) - Ghent, Belgium.
Leydesdorff, L., Bornmann, L., Jordan, C., & Milojević, S. (2016). Citations as currency and concept symbols: The "impact fallacy". International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2016) (Paper Presentation) - Valencia, Spain.
Sun, X., Kaur, J., Milojević, S., Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2016). Social dynamics of science. International Symposium on Science of Science (Paper Presentation) - Washington, DC.
Bar-Ilan, J., Bowman, T.D., Haustein, S., Milojević, S., & Peters, I. (2015). Self-presentation in academia today: From peer-reviewed publications to social media. ASIST Annual Meeting (Panel) - St. Louis, MO.
Leydesdorff, L. & Milojević, S. (2015). The citation impact of German sociology journals and the validity of scientometrics evaluations. 4S (Paper Presentation) - Denver, CO.
Milojević, S. (2015). Sizes of research teams and the growth of knowledge. Science of Team Science Conference (Paper Presentation) - Bethesda, MD.
Milojević, S. (2015). Quantifying the knowledge domain of science. Computational Social Science Summit 2015 (Paper Presentation) - Evanston, IL.
Guo, C., Milojević, S., & Liu. X. (2015). How are academic articles cited over time? iConference 2015 (Poster) - Newport Beach, CA.
Milojević, S. (2014). Principles of scientific team formation and evolution. Science of Team Science Conference (Paper Presentation) - Austin, TX.
Chambers, T., Milojević, S., & Ding. Y. (2014). Female Semantic Web researchers: Does collaboration with male researchers influence their network status? WebScience 2014 (Poster) - Bloomington, IN.
Adler, M., Milojević, S., Rogers, C., Tennis, T.T., van Hooland, S., & West, J.D. (2013). The temporal dimension in the study of knowledge bases: Approaches to understanding knowledge creation and representation over time. ASIST Annual Meeting (Panel) – Montreal, Canada.
Asaro, P., Sabanovic, S.,Milojević, S., & Ansari, S. (2013). Communicating the history of robotics through the voices of roboticists: the oral history of robotics project. Understanding robotics and public opinion: Best practices in public science communication and online dissemination workshop - IROS 2013 (Presentation) - Tokyo, Japan.
Ding, Y., Yan, E., Sugimoto, C.R., & Milojević, S. (2013). Lead-lag topic analysis: e-prints vs. journal articles in astrophysics. To appear in the proceedings of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference (Short paper).
Kaur, J., Sun, X., Milojević, S., Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2013). Social dynamics of science. COVEnANT 2013 workshop – ECCS (European Conference on Complex Systems) (Presentation) – Barcelona, Spain.
Lariviere, B., Macaluso, B., Sugimoto, C.R., Milojević, S., Cronin, B., & Thelwall, M. (2013). The nuanced nature of e-print use: A case study of arXiv. To appear in the proceedings of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference (Full paper).
Milojević, S. (2013). Different traditions in the study of disciplinarity in science – STS, LIS and scientometrics. The Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS) – Copenhagen, Denmark.
Milojević, S. (2013). "Using title words to measure cognitive domains of disciplines." Proceedings iConference workshop: Computational Scientometrics: Theory and Applications, 2013.
Milojević, S., & Sabanović, S. (2013). "Robotics narratives and networks: Conceptual foundations for a non-linear digital archive." Proceedings iConference, 2013.
Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R., Lariviere, V., Thelwall, M., & Ding, Y. (2013). The role of handbooks in the knowledge creation and diffusion: A case of science studies. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2013) Workshop: Metrics 2013 - Symposium on Informetric and Scientometric Research (Presentation) - Montreal, Canada.
Milojević, S., Sun, X., Kaur, J., Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2013). Social dynamics of science. Science of Team Science Conference (Paper Presentation) - Evanston, IL.
Sugimoto, C.R., Milojević, S., Tsou, A., & Ding, Y. (2013). Career aging and cohort succession in the scholarly activities of sociologists: A preliminary analysis. To appear in the proceedings of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics conference (Short paper)
Milojević, S. (2012). "Cognitive domains of disciplines - a new method for measuring domain's size and evolution". Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2012) Workshop: Metrics 2012 - Symposium on Informetric and Scientometric Research (Presentation) - Baltimore, MD.
Larivier, V., Macaluso., Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R., Thelwall, M. (2012). "On the scientific impact of ArXiv: A case study of astrophysics". Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2012) Workshop: Metrics 2012 - Symposium on Informetric and Scientometric Research (Presentation) - Baltimore, MD.
Milojević, S., Chen, C., Hemminger, B.M., Leydesdroff, L., Priem, J., Weingart, S. (2012). "Information visualization state of the art and future directions." Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2012) (Panel) - Baltimore, MD.
Larivier, V., Macaluso, B., Milojević, S. (presenter), Sugimoto, C.R., Thelwall, M. (2012). "Of caterpillars and butterflies: the life and afterlife of an arXiv e-print." altmetrics12 - an ACM Web Science Conference workshop (Presentation) - Evanston, IL.
Milojević, S. (2012). "Towards a more realistic scientific collaboration network." NetScience 2012 (Poster) - Evanston, IL.
Sugimoto, C.R., Ding, Y., Larivier, V., Milojević, S., Thelwall, M. (2012). "Re-examining scholarly communication through the lens of digital datasets" Oxford Internet Institute symposium on Interdisciplinary Insights on the Social Science of Digital Research (Presentation) - Oxford.
Bar-Ilan, J., Bollen, J., Levitt, J., Milojević, S., Priem, J., Wolfram, D. (2012). "Emerging Web metrics of scholarship: Future or Fad?" iConference (Panel) - Toronto.
Sabanovic, S., Asaro, P. & Milojević, S. (2011). "50 years of robotics through narratives and networks" The International Network for Engineering Studies (INES)/The Prometheans special interest group in the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) joint workshop (Presentation) - Cleveland, OH.
Milojević, S. (2011). "Citation practices in the field of library and information science." Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2011) Workshop: Metrics 2011 - Symposium on Informetric and Scientometric Research (Presentation) - New Orleans, LA.
Milojević, S., Sabanovic, S., Sugimoto, C., Edwards, P., Hakken, D., Knobel, C. (2011). "iSchools as bridges between scientometrics and STS" iConference (Roundtable) - Seattle, WA.
Ding, Y., Sun, Y., Chen, B., Borner, K., Ding, L., Wild, D., Wu, M., DiFranzo, D., Fuenzalida, A. G., Li, D., Milojević, S., Chen, S., Sankaranarayanan, M. & Toma, I. (2010). Semantic Web Portal: A Platform for Better Browsing and Visualizing Semantic Data. /Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference On Active Media Technology (AMT2010), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), /Springer, Aug 28-30, Toronto, Canada.
Li, D., Ding, Y., Qin, Z., Milojević, S., He, B., Yan, E., Dong, T. (2010). "Dynamic features of social tagging vocabulary: Delicious, Flickr and YouTube". The 2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) - Odense, Denmark 2010.
Milojević, S. (2010). "Using subfields to study social structures of modern scientific fields: The case of nanotechnology" The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXX (Presentation) - Trento, 2010.
Milojević, S., Yan, E. and Ding, Y. (2010). "Social and cognitive structure of library and information science: A historical overview" CoLIS (presentation) - London 2010.
Milojević, S. (2010). "Studying interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity at the subfield level: The case of nanotechnology" Science of Team Science Conference (Poster) - Chicago, 2010.
Milojević, S. (2009). "Preferential attachment in the evolution of the network of scientific collaboration in nanotechnology" The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXIX (Presentation) - San Diego, 2009.
Milojević, S. (2009). "Evolution of the social structure of nanotechnology" iConference (Poster)- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2009.
Milojević, S. (2007) "Do STS and IS provide compatible theories and methods for the study of scientific disciplines?" Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference (Presentation) - Montreal, 2007.
Milojević, S. (2007). "Big science, nano science? Mixed method approach to mapping the evolution and structure of nanotechnology" Information Research, 12(4). [Available at]
Milojević, S. (2007). "The quest for librarian's self-knowledge: Jesse H. Shera a historian" Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Conference (Panel Presentation) - Seattle, WA, 2007.
Wallis, J. C., Milojević, S. Borgman, C. L. & Sandoval, W. A. (2006) The special case of scientific data sharing with education, American Society for Information Science & Technology, Austin, TX, Information Today.
Leydesdorff, L., & Milojević, S., (2015). The citation impact of German sociology journals: Some problems with the use of scientometric indicators in journal and research evaluations. Soziale Welt-Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. [Invited paper]
Sabanović, S., Milojević, S., Kaur, J., Francisco, M., & Asaro, P. (2015). Robotics narratives and networks: Fifty years building a community. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 22(1), 137-146. [Invited paper]
Sabanović, S., Milojević, S., Kaur, J., Francisco, M., & Asaro, P. (2014). Raymond Jarvis. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 21(4), 120-126. [Invited paper]
Milojević, S., Sabanović, S., & Kaur, J. (2013). Miomir Vukobratović. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 20(2), 112-122. [Invited paper]
Ballard, L.A., Sabanović, S., Kaur, J., Milojević, S.(2012). George Charles Devol, Jr. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. 19(3): 114-119. [invited paper]
Milojević, S., Sugimoto, C.R. (2012). Introduction. The Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology special section "Metrics & ASIS&T". (August/September)
Sabanović, S., Milojević, S., & Kaur, J. (2012). John McCarthy. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 19(4), 99-106. [Invited paper]