Workshop on Logic and Learning - Technical Program

June 19, Tuesday
2:00 L.Hellerstein (Invited talk): Learning DNF formulas: a survey
3:00 A.Sharma (Invited talk): ILP and Beyond
3:00-3:30 Break
4:30 K.Inoue: Inverse entailment for full clausal theories
5:00 A.Yamamoto: Hypothesis finding based on upward refinement of residue hypotheses
Evening: social gathering TBA

June 20, Wednesday
9:00 P.Flach (Invited talk): The logic of learning: logic and knowledge representation in machine learning
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15 C.Costa Florencio: An avalanche of hypotheses
10:45 T.Sato, Y.Kameya: Fast EM learning of a family of PCFGs in a logical-statistical framework
11:15 M.Kikuchi, Y.Kakuda: On channels between knowledge and objective worlds
11:45-1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 L.Valiant (Invited talk): Robust Logics
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45 R.Basilio, G.Zaverucha, V.C.Barbosa: First-order Cascade ARTMAP
3:15 M.Arias, R.Khardon: Learning closed Horn expressions
3:45 M.Grohe, Gy.Turan: Finite model theory and learnability
4:15-4:30 Break
4:30 Discussion, open problems