Filippo Radicchi

Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Indiana University Bloomington

Luddy Center for Artificial Intelligence, Room 2036
1015 East 11th St., Bloomington, IN 47408

Phone: (812) 855-9322
Twitter: @filrad
Curriculum Vitae: cv.pdf


  • Our paper Shortest-path percolation on random networks has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters
  • I assumed the position of Associate Editor at Physical Review E
  • I will give a talk at main conference NetSci 2024 and at the satellite Physical Networks
  • Our paper Symmetry breaking in optimal transport networks has been published in Nature Communications
  • Our paper Reconstruction of multiplex networks via graph embeddings has been published in Physical Review E
  • Our paper Robustness and resilience of complex networks has been published in Nature Reviews Physics
  • I will give a presentation at NetSci-X 2024
  • Our paper Epidemic spreading in group-structured populations has been published in Physical Review X
  • I will give a presentation at Complenet 2024
  • Our paper Dynamical methods for target control of biological networks has been published in Royal Society Open Science
  • Our paper Heterogeneous message passing for heterogeneous networks has been published in Physical Review E
  • Short bio

    I am a Professor in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University, where I serve as the director of the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research. Also, I am an Associate Editor for Physical Review E. I was a "Ramón y Cajal" senior researcher at university Rovira i Virgili, a postdoctoral researcher in the Amaral Lab at Northwestern University, and a research specialist at ISI Foundation. I have a PhD in Physics from Jacobs University, and a MS in Physics from university of Rome Tor Vergata. My main area of research is network science. See my publications or my Google Citations profile for more info.

    Selected publications