Our Mission: The Martha's House mission is to provide safe shelter while working to end homelessness.
Our Vision: The Martha's House vision is of a community where everyone has a home.
Our History: Martha's House was founded in December 2002, incorporated in September 2003, and opened our doors on January 1, 2004 to serve the needs of the homeless in Bloomington, Indiana. Named after Martha Register, a long time advocate for the poor and homeless, Martha's House is the only provider of individual emergency shelter and case management services in Monroe County that serves both men and women and does not require participation in religious services or is related to specific concerns (such as domestic violence or addiction recovery) as a condition of shelter.
Martha's House Inc. Office 1010 S. Walnut Street Bloomington, IN 47401 Office Phone: (812) 336-2597 |
Martha’s House Inc. Shelter 919 S. Rogers Street Bloomington, IN. 47401 Shelter Ph: (812) 332-1444 |
Board Members | Board Position | Address | Home Number | Work Number | Cell Number | Email Address | Affiliation |
Baker, Jack | board member | 905 S Madison | 336-0323 | 855-2241 | N/A | ajbaker@indiana.edu | Indiana university |
Davis, Debra Traylor | board member | 735 S Boswell Court | 825-7353 | 349-2049 | 325-0054 | davedeb10@bluemarble.net | deputy Prosecutor |
Emery,Jean | board member | 4785 Brair Gate | 935-8226 | 330-5520 | 325-5183 | jemery@unitedcommercebank.com | United Commerce Bank |
Giordano, Pete | Ex-officio | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | giordanp@bloomington.in.gov | City of Bloomington |
Hamilton, Susie | Vice President | 1001 E Winslow Road | 332-3992 | N/A | 606-8377 | abshamil@indiana.edu | retired |
Hill, Francie | Board member | Justice Bldg., 301 N College | 349-2634 | 349-2634 | 327-5761 | fhill@co.monroe.in.us | Judge |
McMath, Mark | Treasurer | 4598 E Compton Blvd. | 323-8133 | 353-9557 | 322-4200 | mmcmath@bloomhelath.org | financial officer |
Miller, Robert | President | 2369 Linden Hill Road | 336-7512 | 349-2824 | 606-3202 | rtmiller@co.monroe.in.us | Chief Deputy |
Murray, Patrick | Secretary | 525 W 3rd Street | 323-6268 | 855-8223 | N/A | pmurray@indiana.edu | Indiana University |
Regester, Jim | board member | 328 S Walnut Street | 822-0706 | 323-1231 | 322-4446 | regerster@homefinder.org | realtor |
Regester, Martha | board member | 3211 E Moores Pike | 339-1010 | N/A | N/A | N/A | retired |
West, Sue | board member | 2051 S Ramsey Drive | 331-8086 | 332-9495 | 320-5067 | swest@bigredliquors.com | Big Red Liquirs |
Summers, Bobbie | Executive Director | 409 E University | 822-0751 | 355-6841 | N/A | bsummers409@hotmail.com | Martha's House |